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Day 5: Mindful Gifting

"Christmas is the day that holds all time together." - Alexander Smith

The festive season is a time of joy and giving. However, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety, especially when it comes to finding the perfect gift. One way to ease the burden is by practicing mindful gift-giving.

Mindful gift-giving involves being intentional and thoughtful about the gifts you give but also thinking about the person you are giving the gifts to. This means taking the time to consider the recipient's needs and desires, as well as the impact your gift will have on the environment and the community.

One way to practice mindful gift-giving is by opting for experiences instead of material possessions. Consider gifting a cooking class, a concert ticket, or a spa day instead of the latest gadget or piece of clothing. This not only reduces waste but also creates lasting memories and could be something you and that person do together.

Another way to be mindful when giving gifts is by supporting local and small businesses. By doing so, you're not only giving a thoughtful gift but also supporting the community and local economy.

Think about the cost of your gift, I know we do not give a gift to receive a gift but often people feel the need to match the rough estimated cost of what you give them.
I am sure you have felt this too, so think about maybe discussing the maximum cost for gifts keeping in mind what you both can afford.
Lastly, consider giving gifts that give back. Many organisations donate a portion of their profits to various causes. By giving a gift that gives back, you're spreading joy and kindness beyond the recipient.

Day 5 done and dusted, thinking about gifting with purpose could help you save money and also give something more meaningful. Practicing mindful gift-giving during the festive season can reduce stress, create lasting memories, and have a positive impact on the environment and community. So take the time to be intentional and thoughtful when selecting gifts this festive season.

See you all tomorrow for day 6
Katie xx
