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Day 2: The cost of Christmas

"Family does not necessarily mean blood relatives but often a description of a community, organisation or nation" - The Late Queen Elizabeth II

Day 2 of Christmas Blogmas, while this may have been more use in November or even October I know a lot of people get fully into Christmas mode in December so here we are! This year everyone is tightening their belts and while the cost of things do seem to be settling that does not mean we will be having a lavish Christmas. In light of these rising costs, I have composted a basic plan for Christmas that can be alter year on year and adapted for everyone’s needs.

I typically start thinking about Christmas at the beginning of September but this year it was late November and I follow this basic plan of Budget, person, gift, card. These four simple steps to make the Christmas shop so much easier.

1. Budget-
Now this can be an over all budget, individual budget or just present budget. I use this as a rough guide as to how much I want to spend overall, but not including cards. This is mainly because I buy more people cards than I do gifts. It can be anywhere for £5 per person to £100 it is your choice and what you can afford. It is whatever you have in your means. I try and say around £20-£30 per person but if I am buying one gift for two people I can perhaps spend a little more. If it is friends we discuss a budget so everyone is comfortable.

Please DO NOT spend more than you can afford!

2. Person-
I find this step is helpful when you have a pen and paper, or maybe a pencil. Write down everyone in your close family, wider family, friends. The decide am I going to send just cards or gifts too? Parents? Aunts and Uncles? That special someone? The cousin you only see on family occasions? That family member who lives the other side of the world. Once you have this sorted you can then look at what to buy for them or if it will just be a card.

Sending someone just a card is enough, do not feel you have to buy everyone a gift especially in times of hardship.

We are living in a time where social media is massive and almost everyone has some form of it, and we want to build up small businesses.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok, the person you are buying for may post about things that they like or would like to own. Films that they are into or the type of music they listen to. Do you see where I'm going with this? Use social media to your advantage, get them something they have been saving for or someone you know they would like.

Maybe a more luxurious box of chocolates that would be silly to buy at any other time but go for it. Don’t forget about small businesses we want to build people up especially in busy times such as Christmas.

4. Card-
Going back to the list you made in point 2, go through this list and mark next to it Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Cousin, friend. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea of it. Take a trip out to the nearest card shop with your list in hand and go for it. Tick them off one by one and BAM just like that done. All that's left to do is the wrapping and writing. If you are posting your cards make a note in your phone’s calendar the last date for both 1st class post, 2nd class post and if needed deliveries.

An additional tip take advantage of post-Christmas sales, take that card list and get next year’s Christmas cards now, just remember where you put them for next year.

Hope this little blog post has helped you even a little with getting your Christmas sorted or started. I for one love this time of year so have the Christmas playlist at the ready and the Christmas spirit ready to burst.

Day two is complete and I hope you are all ready for day three....


Katie and Imaan xxx
