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Day 4: The perfect Christmas Jumper

"There's something about a Christmas sweater that will always make me laugh." 
- Kristen Wiig

Have you ever heard people say “ugly Christmas jumper”? I know whenever I hear it I think to myself ‘How are Christmas jumpers ugly? They’re a baggy cuteness that keep you warm. They also make everyone around you smile and laugh.

My absolute favourite Christmas jumper is my baggy cardigan, it’s so thick and warm. I LOVE when Christmas comes around because it means it’s time to bring that cardigan out. 

I guess in a way my cardigan may not be accepted as the perfect Christmas jumper. It's a cardigan after all and not a jumper. One thing I can say is that it is perfect for me! 

What makes the perfect Christmas jumper anyway? There are so many types of Christmas jumpers; the"ugly" ones, the ones with minimal patterns that look cosy, the ones with funny phrases or pictures. All are good fun!

What is the perfect Christmas jumper to you? 

I feel as though the perfect Christmas jumper is the one that you look forward to wearing. The one that brings a smile to your face when you put it on, the one when you wear it people say “that’s a Christmas jumper alright!” Maybe the perfect Christmas jumper is subjective to everyone. Maybe it’s the one Christmas jumper we reach for every year because it’s cosy and comfortable , maybe it’s the new one you buy each year so that you’re not repeating, maybe it’s the one someone special gifted. Or maybe it doesn’t exist? Are you still searching for it? 

From all the reflection, I’m going to stick to my cardigan being the perfect one for me. It’s the one I find joy wearing. It’s the one that makes me feel like it’s Christmas. 

Will you be wearing a Christmas jumper this year? If so, which is your perfect one?

Imaan xx
