" Focus on being productive instead of being busy. "- Tim Ferriss I’m fortunate enough to be able to work from home. One thing I can say though is that it can be extremely difficult with distractions. Here are some ways I conquer the difficulties and create a good working environment. 1. Having a “space” for your work that is separate to my chill space. Mixing the two is a big no. Although I don’t have an office at home, I make it a priority to not work in my bedroom. This ensures that I have a productive environment whether I’m at home or in the office. 2. Having a routine. I have a very specific schedule when I am working from home. I make sure that it looks nothing like my ordinary day at home. I wake up early, cook myself breakfast and set up my “office” space of the day. Usually in my living room. 3. Avoiding your phone. Now I don’t completely leave my phone, I do reply to texts. Butttt…what I avoid is going on social media because that takes me into a rabbit hole of e...