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New season, new beginnings

The changing of seasons is a reminder to live in the present and accept each moment as it comes.” 
- Anonymous 

This week we’ll finally be going into spring and I couldn’t be more excited!

I love when it begins to get warmer and we’re able to experience more daylight. But there’s just so much to love about spring. 

I’m also SO ready to get out of winter and out of the bad habits I’ve developed since Christmas.

I want this season to be a new beginning and be a time for me to bloom with the flowers.

Here are some habits I’m bringing into my life:

• Consistency in exercise: I have a confession, I’ve really been slacking since Christmas. Once my body gets used to rest, that’s all it craves. I think the sun setting earlier also had something to do with that. I generally feel more energetic during spring so I’m able to have more consistency.

• Eating healthier: Similar to exercise, my eating habits are not good during Christmas time. The only problem is that I get used to eating chocolates, chocolates and chocolates. Chocolates have a way of making me feel warm inside. Regardless, it’s still a bad habit because I end up binging instead of eating in moderation. So  this season I’m ready to let go of that habit, it’s not easy but I attempt to make healthier choices such as snacking on more fruit and vegetables. Fruit definitely helps  with the sugar craving.

• Keeping my environment tidy: In winter I tend to create piles and piles of mess. I view spring as a light, easy and clean time so I want to do all the spring cleaning and get rid of extra stuff. I like creating a clean and tidy environment for myself to thrive in. An environment that’s clean enough for me to exercise in, and rest in.

• Being kind to myself: I think it may have something to do with all the unhealthy snacks I eat or seasonal depression, but it’s a time where I’m hard at on myself. I find it impossible to love myself and view myself in a positive way. Now that it’s something I’ve recognised, I no longer want to be my own biggest bully. I want to care for myself and even take myself on solo dates.

• Making good choices: This can be the most trivial thing from choosing fruit as a snack over chocolate, exercise over watching tv, or taking a nap over tiring yourself. It’s important to pick the “healthy” choice, whether it’s for your physical health or your mental health.

In this new season I want to recognise my bad habits and stop them before they take control of me and ruin me. I want to be able to protect myself and be the best possible version of myself.

As I said before, I want to bloom like a flower.

It’s important to think back and change your ways if you find yourself slipping. Whether that be binge eating, drinking, gambling. Whatever bad habits you might have, it doesn’t matter how trivial. It’s good to recognise when something isn’t healthy for you and begin implementing good habits.

Here’s to new beginnings.

Happy Spring!

Imaan xx
