"It's not being the best. It's about being better than you were yesterday." - Unknown Have you ever felt like whatever you were doing wasn’t good enough? Have you ever felt imposter syndrome whenever you achieve something? Have you felt insecure in a job role because you don’t know if what you’re doing is correct? If so then, welcome to the club! It’s completely normal to feel like you’re not good enough. You’ll be surprised how many people actually feel that way. In almost all the jobs I’ve had, I’ve had a longing to belong - to feel like I deserve the job I have. To feel a sense of purpose. But so many times my own insecurities kept me from doing my best. There were times my bosses were proud of me, but I wasn’t proud of me. This kept me from accepting that I was good enough. I didn’t believe I was good. I kept telling myself that I’m a phony. When I look back at the girl who didn’t believe in herself, my heart honestly breaks for her. She definitely missed o...